To track your parcel using our Sprint Couriers Online Parcel Tracking Portal, please click the Track a parcel menu button on the left and you will be taken to our portal. When you open the portal you will find a screen as on below, which allows you to Find Waybills.
With this portal you will be able to track your parcel, view it's status in terms of location, delivery status and time of delivery. You have two options first being to do a quick search by simply inputting waybill number (parcel number) where it says Waybill under Quick Search. When you press the Search button you will get an update like below:
The second option is for Sprint Couriers Account holders, this allows you to log in a do a range track, i.e track waybills shipped on your account through out a particular period range. You can get the login details (username and password) from the Sprint Couriers offices. Place your login information under the Client Login on initial portal screen. Once logged in you will get a screen as below: